The regime Ducane products authorised by steps

Thin body type ensures not only the aesthetic appearance, health and the holder of the air attractive. The regime Ducane products authorised by-step easy to reduce the weight, but also help to keep the coveted number on the brand. The methodology of the consumption of protein-rich foods. After having passed all the stages, the plan is transformed in the daily life of the card, which provides an attractive look to the old age.

The Regime Ducane

The particular plan

The famous physician-nutritionist, who lives in France, Pierre Ducane in the past four decades designed the weight loss method available to every person. The essence of the regime Ducane – approved offers of products consumed by steps. Get the persistence of the result easily by using the include in the daily diet of meals rich in protein and restricted carbohydrates and fatty foods.

By inventing a menu of the day, on account of the products authorized by the doctor, it is impossible to lose weight in a short time. The fluidity of the weight reduction guarantees long-lasting results for years to come. The regime Ducane contains a large list of allowed sites of the products which during four stages not to remain hungry and lose weight.

The first two steps are to intense weight loss, the third and the fourth on the fixing of the result. The ideal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates causes the body to work differently, getting rid of the unnecessary load. The respect of all the recommendations, famous French will be the key to an excellent result.

Recommended products

Four power levels Ducane include products authorised by the steps. In each phase, just use the recommended products for a given period of time. A great list, Ducane studied in detail the action of each on the mechanism of the weight loss. Between products, you can combine them, but to follow the recommendations for a step four.

Thanks to a generous selection of authorized products, the weight loss is painless. The lack of feeling of constant hunger, and reduces the risk of failure and makes a new look at the selection of products.

Step n ° 1: attack of the

The main weight reduction occurs in the first stage of the diet. The products list is established for a given period of time, contain a large amount of protein. The refusal of carbohydrate and fat helps rapid weight loss. The metabolic processes begin to work more quickly, so the greatest number of pounds can you lose in a short period of the first phase.

Recommended products

The maximum number of days recommended protein for the menu is not more than ten days. Of 2 to 5 kg, you can lose, if you repeat the protein a day 3 to 5 times. How long does it stay on the first phase, each person can individually identify for himself. The number of days in proportion to the number of kilos that you want to get rid of. Exceed a period of ten days is not recommended, along the protein nutrition of the food leads to a kidney pathology.

The regime Ducane: attack — the permitted list of products in the following table:

The name of Authorized Not
Meat Veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken. The offal is possible, but rare. Non-greasy, ham to deliver the meat. Goose, duck, etc.
Chicken eggs The protein The yolk of the egg
The fish Fish of all kinds, all kinds of seafood, boiled, braised, cooked in the form of oil. Canned food, smoked, salted
Dairy products Yogurt, kefir, milk of 0.5% fat, 5% ricotta cheese Milk, yogurt, fermented milk in the oven of 2.5%, cheese 9%
Drinks Strong coffee or tea, drink Carbonated water, strong sweet tea and coffee
The oil 1 teaspoon of olive oil in the day to improve the peristalsis of the intestine Sunflower oil, butter
Spices Clove, wasabi, mustard, ginger, curry, cinnamon, coriander

The oat bran is included in the daily diet, that fill the lack of fiber and improve digestion. The recommended amount of 30 grams per day.

Step n ° 2: the alternating

In the second period of regime Ducane dishes of vegetables are introduced into the products authorized. The most heavy time behind it, but it is on the stage of "cruise", you will get a great desire to complete the plan. The motivation for the lawsuit may serve thrown the weight for the first few days and the desire to be closer to the case of the image.

The regime Pierre Ducane (authorized products) already includes the list for the first cycle of the teaching of the carbohydrates with a lower glycemic index. A mandatory requirement of the consumption of 1.5 litres of purified water per day and the oat flakes in an amount of 3 tablespoons of each day, without interruption.

In the composition of the diet Ducane the step of interlacing products authorised in the following table:

Vegetables for a diet
Authorized Not
Pepper Bulgarian Potatoes
Fennel, spinach The corn
Radishes, turnips Pasta
Celery, asparagus

Cucumbers, tomatoes,

Peas, green beans
Zucchini, eggplant The products of oatmeal
The cabbage Olives
The pumpkin Lenses
The leek, persil, dill, green salad Lawyer

The second stage can last from 2 weeks to several months depending on the desired result. The basis weight is given for the first half of the regime Ducane, when the list of products does not include the food sources of protein and vegetables.

Example of menu of the day:

  • Breakfast: white cheese, filled with low-fat yogurt; perc oats; green tea without sugar
  • Lunch: vegetable soup-puree of cauliflower, tomatoes, zucchini without salt, boiled fish, the juice of pumpkin
  • Taste: vegetable gratin with eggs
  • Dinner: spinach pie, 0.5% of kefir

The recipe of the cake of oatmeal:

  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, pour a little hot water
  • Separately, beat the white of an egg and a little salt
  • Carefully push the mass protein cereal
  • On an oven, preheated the oven, pour a little olive oil
  • Distribute the dough on the frying pan and cook the pancake for 3 minutes on each side

Step n ° 3: the fixation of

In the second half of the regime Pierre Ducane to authorized products are added to fruit, a little bread. The basic quantity of weight reset, the task of the follow-up period is the retention of the mass of the body at the level reached.

The food remains fractional with enough water. Rolled oats, you can chew them or add them in dishes. The first 6 days of the week, the menu is developed taking into account all the allowed products at this stage that, one day, the doctor recommends a Thursday, let let us pray to the day. Previously authorized, the product is added to the table.

The regime Ducane: table authorized products during the phase of fixation:

The name of Licensed products, advice on the consumption Not
The bread Rye, whole wheat, no more than 50 g per day The white bread, the bread of
Fruit All, with the exception of the banned, not more than 250 grams Raisins, banana, cherry, dried fruit
The cheese Solid, fat, less than 25%, 35 g per day Fat
Cereals The buckwheat 210 g of rice 100 g Semolina
Potatoes Not more than 150 g per day, it is recommended to pre-soak to remove the starch

Step n ° 4: the stabilization

The fourth stage of the diet Ducane includes a complete list of the allowed products of the three stages. In this period, it is not necessary to arrange a protein day. Diet all days of the week are the vegetables, the fruits, the bread of rye, the protein of the food. Prohibit self, this list does not need anything, only to limit the number of small portions.

The fourth phase is not intended to reduce the weight, the main task is to maintain the weight stagnates. The number of days of stabilisation is not limited, therefore, accede to this menu, you can of a lifetime, sometimes leaving a festive menu.

Physical exercise

To quickly reach the result of reducing weight during a diet Pierre Ducane, special attention should be given to the motor activity. The performance of simple physical exercises daily walking and a positive impact on the health and appearance lose weight of the man.

Filling the form will provide a hike in the gym. You can treat 3 times per week. Take the opportunity to abandon the transport. Slimming is going to occur at a rapid pace, if the muscle tissue work and burn calories more quickly, divide lipid deposits.

Additional recommendations

Before you start to follow a regime Ducane, and to leave the daily diet only the products, step by step, it is necessary to consult a doctor in the presence of pathologies of a chronic nature.

What are the contra-indications can hinder the weight loss by the French method from the nutritionist:

  • Heart failure
  • Vascular diseases
  • Pathology of the urinary tract, kidney failure
  • The interruption of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • When diet, it is necessary to give the motor activity
  • The thyroid disease
  • The cancer of neoplasia
  • Allergic reactions
  • The period of gestation and lactation
  • At 18 years of age

If the regime Ducane been successfully used in practice, in the future, the challenge is to maintain the weight that has been reached following the work of long breath on the other. To maintain the attractiveness permanently, it is necessary to follow simple principles:

  • Eat often in small portions, respecting the advice of nutritionist French
  • Drink the net is not of the boiled water at least two one-litre bottles per day
  • Useful 1 time per week to limit the power for the unloading of the body: this can be proteins, dairy products, buckwheat
  • Move independently, not to use the vehicles, find the active hobby
  • Eat 3 tablespoons of bran
  • Do sports, to smile